Forty Arroyo
Dance while U Can! ****
Line Dancing - Thursdays Beginners / Improvers
from 5 - 7 or later
(Summer months only.)
Chair Dancing
Group Instructions
Let's keep movin' - Motion is Lotion!
Join me and my fellow line dance instructors at
The Hayloft Barn,
232 Podunk Rd, Sturbridge, MA
for a Saturday Line Dance Workshop -
Friendly and Int/Adv levels -
dancing to all genres of music.
Our regular alternating instructors -
Forty Arroyo, Chris Jacques,
Lori Kuszewski, Bradley Mather and
Donna McCarthy -
always bring along popular
current and classic line dances.
Our workshops are limited to 50 participants
Come on out and join us -
it's always a great time
and always worth the drive.
..and remember, It doesn't matter where or what you dance - just as long as you dance!
Dance while you can!
Me? I'm dancing til' I drop.
Our SATURDAY Line Dance Workshops
run from 9:30 – 3PM
Hayloft Barn, 232 Podunk Rd, Sturbridge, MA
please contact
for additional information.
(For Dancewhileucan workshops SCHEDULE - click on SATURDAY WORKSHOPS TAB)
Group Photo: September Fun 2019
"Simply Jo" workshops with
The Queen of Line Dance,
Jo Thompson-Szymanski.